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Twilight Of The Sun King

Twilight Of The Sun King

I have done my first proper effort on the 2019 Joy of Six project – the Battle of Poltava 1709. Yesterday, the Wyre Foresters and I had the pleasure of presenting Horka 1708 at the Joy of Six. We have discussed the background to the battle before and I have attached a handout that contains some background on the idea of the battle, the rules we used (Twilight of the Sun King) as well as an list of the forces used on the day:Handout – word format –Handout – pdf format –It could be useful to read this one before pushing on.Following a nice family Saturday in the Derbyshire Dales, visiting the impressive Crich Memorial for the Sherwood Foresters Regiment and the nearby Tramway village, we went to Sheffield and attended the famous BBKBCE – Baccus Balti King Beer and Curry Evening. This is a chance to meet some old a new friends on the eve of the many battles being fought at the Joy of Six. Following on from some discussions I have followed on twitter recently (@RollaOne) I wanted to write a short note about two things about wargame shows that triggered a little bit of deeper thought than I normally allow myself.

Also helped by the fact that I have spent more time than I ever wanted on delayed trains this week and have had no chance to do anything practical hobby wise, here we go.1. The Show walkthrough2. It has been some busy weeks since the last update on this mat business. Had time to go to a 50th birthday party, visit the Tower with the kids, Father’s day celebration, some relaxation by the river and starting a new Job. However I have done some progress on the 12 by 5 feet battlement, or the hairshirt as I call it, that I will march my soldiers on at the Joy of Six on the 15th July.I managed to do the dry brushing for most of the mat, I use the normal three colours on top of the chocolate brown I have used for the last 10 years or so. It may not be the best combination but serves to tone down the cholate brown and the final light yellow is very effective. All my stuff, terrain, model bases, etc.

Twilight of the Sun-King: Fast-play rules for the Marlburian Period (Version 1.1). The Pike and Shot Society. The Pike and Shot Society. I’m grateful to Andrew for publishing the rules and coming up with the great title.

Fits together, it is done with the same colour and even the static grass (I use the two tones of green that Kalistra sells). Colour I use to drybrush with and the order they are applied.Here is my best advice for doing the dry brushing of the mat, use a small brush (not a paint brush) and take your time, change direction, small brush strokes. Dry brush to scale! I prefer a little bit of patchy application of the grass areas as I want parts of the base mat to be seen, you may like it differently. This is a messy process as it is difficult to turn around the mat to shake the excess of with this big mat without causing major mayhem – with static fibres flying everywhere.

When I did my 2 by 2 boards I used to shake them in a large plastic bag. Now I use a bagless vacuum cleaner (make sure it is empty before you start) but it is not a perfect process. I also detailed up the river and used some high gloss varnish on top. This is how it ended up (note the darker grass areas are to be filled with trees on the day) and I am very happy – apart from the real estate, bridges and trees it is all in the mat.The Original Concept Sketch. In the last posting I set out what this blog posting would be about:Blogpost 98, w.c 02-Apr-18. Some completed stuff for Horka 1708, this will be pictures of the completed Russian Infantry – the 64 bases required.

I just need to complete the basing and add flags to the final ones in the next few days.For once I seem to have managed to live up to at least my own expectations. I spent the first day of the Easter Break finalising the basing and then added some flags the following day – boring at hell at times but I figured it would be worth the effort. Here are some pictures (there is a listing the completed unit at the end of this posting). All models are from Baccus (link ). Aerial shot of the Russian Infantry element of the Horka 1708 army, 64 bases and each base represents a battalion. There are another 91 bases of cavalry to add as well as some artillery and leaders.

Note that I have tried to avoid the lines being too straight as I think this adds a better feel of “movement and maneuvering”. The units without standards/flags are grenadiers.A few dudes with flags from Baccus and Tiny Tin TroopsThe majority of the Infantry have Green Coats with Red Cuffs, but there are some more colours on offers.A lot of the Russian had Karpus/Kartuz it is a type of hat worn by Swedish and Russian Soliders – you can find more on headgear on a blogposting by Boris MegorskyI am doing the final cavalry elements and hope to be able to inspect them on the parade ground shortly before I get onto to finalising the Swedes. Last cavalry unit drying following application of Windsor Newton Nutbrown Ink.In other news I have ordered some stuff over the last few weeks for my Mutant 1984 project (1980s roleplaying in a world that most certainly was), I would like to give a little shout out for the miniatures from Space Vixens from Mars.

Twilight Of The Sun King

They regularly show up at shows and do their games and invite anyone along for a hilarious ride. Here are a few of the models that I will be using for my Mutant 1984 project (taken from their webpage – link ).

Currently working on a long term project called the Towards Moscow Trilogy (TMT) - re-creating a series of Battles from the most dramatic part of the Great Northern War (GNW) on the tabletop - the Russian Campaign 1708 to 1709. These battles will be presented at the Joy of Six 2017, 2018 and 2019. (for: Search Archives. (5). (6). (5). (1).

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King Of Twilight Video Game

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Twilight Of The Sun King Wargame Rules


Twilight Of The Sun King